Rorshach on my dinner plate

The Rorshach on my dinner plate
Originally uploaded by soulcompostphotos

Steak for dinner, oh my gosh. On the red side of medium and drizzled over with olive oil, this is the plate it was prepared on. Is there an picture here in liquid swirls? I thought I could see a jester at the time. Later, when I looked at the photo the other way up, I imagined I could see a strange spider creature.

This reminded me of the famous, fabulous and arcane Rorsach test. The subject is shown a series of random inkblots and asked to report what they imagine they can see: butterflies, couples locked in sexual embrace, angels, demons, monsters of the id. The unconscious mind reveals itself through what is perceived. Heaven knows the significance of the jester though. Was I feeling jolly? Well, I was in a good mood, anyway. Can’t jesters mock as well as entertain? Could he be having a last laugh at my expense because steak is unhealthy, betraying my secret inner guilt?

If only I’d seen Jesus or the Blessed Virgin: our kitchen could have become a pilgrimage site and helped pay the mortgage.

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